Write criteria for choosing multimedia objects

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13317071

1- the current site only includes images and videos. I need you to add animations and audio to the website.

2- the current website has some code validation errors.You need to check errors by submitting it to https://validator.w3.org and fix the current errors.

3- you need to fix usability issues, such as consistency, accessibility, navigation, etc.: you need to add alt tag for accessibility. For those who can't see the multimedia items - the text you write in the alt will show. When this is done nicely - there is a description of the object. The current presentation is quite linear. I need you to add a navigation menu that enables the user to pick his/her own path and navigate freely between the pages. The pages are bigger than my browser window and it required scrolling down, consider how to improve this or the navigation scheme.

finally, I need you to write in a doc file your criteria for choosing multimedia objects and its usage, file sizes, tools selection, etc.

PS: multimedia audio and animations you add has to be related to internet marketing topic. The doc file you write doesn't have a word limit. Just include which tools you used along with criteria of selecting the files.

Reference no: EM13317071

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