Write correct objective function with two variables

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13995690

Linear Programming Signature Assignment -

As a signature assignment, this assignment meets the flowing General Education Program Objectives: make connections, solve problems, and creative thinking.

Solve the following problem using linear programming.

Earthquake victims in Haiti need medical supplies and bottled water. Each medical kit measures 1 ft3 and weighs 10 lb. Each container of water is also 1ft3 but weighs 20lb. The plane can carry only 80,000 lb and hold a total volume of 6,000 ft3. Each medical kit will aid 4 people, and each container of water will serve10 people. How many of each should be sent to maximize the number of people helped?

1. Write correct objective function with two variables. Write what quantity the two variables represent and what quantity the objective function represents.

2. Write correct constraints (inequalities) for the problem using two variables.

3. Show work and find correct vertices for region of feasible solutions.

4. Graph region of feasible solutions with axes labeled, correct vertices, and correct shading.

5. Find value of objective function at vertices of region of feasible solutions.

6. Give correct answer to the question asked by the problem.

Reference no: EM13995690

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