Write complete main method using good programming practices

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13782872

As a general practice for our programming assignments we will assume that the user will enter appropriate data values from the keyboard. If you are expecting the data value to be a whole number then the user will enter a whole number. If you are expecting the user to enter a double value, then the user will enter a double value.

Part I. Exercises

The answers to the exercises must be typed and printed to turn in as a part of your homework. You should be able to complete all of these exercises by hand, but you may check them using Eclipse.


1. Explain your value for y after the switch statement is executed.

2. Complete the problem as described in the book EXCEPT you do not need to draw the flowchart.


Write a complete main method using good programming practices when you rewrite the while loop as a do/while loop.

Reference no: EM13782872

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