Write codes in those languages that communicate

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131426531

In this assignment, you will practice network programming using sockets. Sockets are tools for connecting two programs together so that they can talk to each other. They are available in many programming languages such as C, Java, etc., so you can use them write codes in those languages that communicate with other programs over the network.

In this assignment, you goal is to write two programs: 1) client and 2) server.


It is a program that receives an input from the user (in a string format), creates a connection to the server over a specific port number, and sends the user's input to the server.

It is program that on startup, waits for incoming connections over a specific port. When a connection is established, it reads the data sent from the client, and displays it on the screen.

You can use either C/C++ or Java for writing the client code and the server code. If you use C/C++, depending on your machine, you must follow the tutorial for either Windows socket programming or Linux socket programming. For Java, there is no difference.

socket programming in C for Linux:


socket programming in C for Windows:

socket programming in Java:

There are many other tutorials online. Feel free to use them.


Submit a zipped file containing a 1-page pdf report, along with your client code and server code via connect. DO NOT SUBMIT EXECUTABLES. In the report, simply explain how to solved the problem, and what online resources you used.
You can do the assignment in groups of 2.

Note: You may be asked to run your client and server code in the class on your laptop to test them. Be prepared to do so.

Verified Expert

The code shows the communication mechanism between the client and the server using Sockets . It consists of 2 Java Files demonstrating socket programming in java and a pdf file describing how to solve such problems and the resources that were used in solving it . It also contains the output screenshots of the java program. The Java code is written in IntelliJ IDE.

Reference no: EM131426531

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3/14/2017 3:18:12 AM

Creaitng a client server programming model which works on networks - submit a zipped file containing a 1-page pdf report, along with your client code and server code via connect. DO NOT SUBMIT EXECUTABLES. In the report, simply explain how to solved the problem, and what online resources you used. You can do the assignment in groups of 2. Note: You may be asked to run your client and server code in the class on your laptop to test them. Be prepared to do so.

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