Write code to store fictitious names in that array

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131385013

Activity 1: Create a Windows application to perform the following functionalities.

A) Create an array that contains the names of the months of the year.

B) Using For...Each loop, write code G display the names of the months.

C) Create a second array to store the number of days of corresponding months (ignore leap-years) of first array.

D) Request a month from the user and use "For...loop" to display the number of days for that month.

E) Request a month from the user, delete number of days for that specified month and display the deleted value by using "Do...While loop".

Activity2: Create a Windows application to perform the following functionalities.

An office building has two floors (0 to 1), each of which has four offices (0 to 3). Each office occupied by one person.

A) Declare an array to store the names of occupants for each office.

B) Write code to store fictitious names in that array.

C) Write a short routine to display the occupants of each office along with the corresponding floor and office number.

D) Write a function to display the occupants for the requested office. Use "If...Then" statement to check the existence of that office.

Activity 3: Use Linear Search technique and complete the following function to find the position of the number 55 from the following array. Create a Windows application to display the position.










Public Function LinearSearch() As Interger()

Dim target as integer = ................................. the element to search for

Dim s() as integer = ................................. the array to be searched

Dim last as integer = ................................. the last position of the array

Dim pos as integer = ................................. the middle position of the array

If (last < 0)

Return - 1

End if

while ((.................................) And (.................................))


if ((.................................) And (.................................))

return pos we found it


return-1 we didn't find it

end if

end while

Activity 4: Use Binary Search technique and complete the following function to find the position of the number 29 from the following array. Create a Windows application to display the position.












 Public function BinarySearch() As Integer()

Dim target, first, last, mid As Integer   'Declare all variables

Target = ................................. the element to search for

first = ................................. the fast position of the array

last = ................................. the last position of the array

Dim s() As Integer = ................................. the array to be searched

While (first <= last)   

mid = ................................. /2

If (.................................) Then

Return .................................

Exit While


If (.................................) Then

Last = .................................


first = .................................

End If

End If

End While

Return - 1End Function

Activity 5: Use editor provided test tools, create and execute/run test case for each activity. Finally, test result will be attached with the assessment.

Reference no: EM131385013

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2/7/2017 3:51:32 AM

This test is based on different programming technique and logic such as syntax, language features, data structure (such as array), standard algorithms (such as sequential search, binary search, insertion and deletion to operate on arrays in aspect of VB.net. It s evaluated the candidate's key programming concepts. For the coding, consider the naming, layout & commenting convention and write internal comments as well. Use editor provided debugging tools to trace code execution and examine variable contents to detect and correct errors. Total allocated time is 3 hours.

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