Write c program that helps a professor to manage records

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Reference no: EM132194782

Question :

Write C program that helps a Professor to manage student records. Each student's record contains information like Student ID, Name, Course Major & CGPA, and are then stored in a text file.

The following software reads students' information from a file, and allows the Professor to do the following:

1) Print The List Of Student Records.

2) Add New Student Record.

3) Update Information On Existing Record,

4) Sort Student Records (according to student identification number) Into Ascending Order,

5) Save The Updated Student Records In A File.

In updating student's details, one needs to search for the student record from the existing records.

In this application, linear search and binary search are to be implemented. On the other hand, selection sort and insertion sort algorithms are to be implemented to sort data.

Note that two for each sorting and searching algorithms are used in the program.

Your program should select the suitable algorithms accordingly. For example, if the Professor opts to search for a student details from a medium size of an unsorted student records, in this case binary search is more preferable over linear search for faster time complexity.

However, binary search requires input data to be sorted. In selecting sorting algorithm, the program might want to consider the randomness of the data.

Options Display should be mentioned after every task completed to as user to continue to main menu or quit program.

Reference no: EM132194782

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