Reference no: EM131395937
Detailed Submission Instructions for Paper Part 2
For Part 2 of your Research Paper project you will be submitting an annotated bibliography (or a set of research notes that includes complete references). Whichever you choose, your submission should include the following:
Annotated Bibliography or Reading Notes:
Summary: Brief summary (around 250 words) of where your research stands at present.
Identify:Parts of the process that you feel you've made substantial progress on
Major tasks or obstacles that still lie ahead
Any other thoughts and reflections at this stage
Complete APA-style references - for at least five sources. Before or right after each set of notes is fine.
At least two (2) of these sources must be articles from peer-reviewed journals of research (Links to an external site.)
The others may also be peer-reviewed articles, or may be any other resource that you choose
Reading Notes - notes taken as you review possible sources for your paper or seek out information.
Annotations: May also discuss how you intend to use a source in your paper or include an evaluations of the credibility of the source, notes to yourself about how your writing process is progressing and any obstacles, etc.
Proper Attribution: It is your responsibility to ensure that all direct quotes, even those of just a few words in length, appear in quotation marks with an in-text citation following, even at this early stage of research. For paraphrases and other summaries, the page numbers or paragraph numbers are sufficient. In short, if you are cutting and pasting in your notes,
1.) you're likely doing it wrong,
2.) you really need to cite each quote!
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