Write and revise a mini research paper on brand-new language

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Reference no: EM131038544

Assignment: Project Research Paper

For your project, you will write and revise a Mini Research Paper that uses primary and secondary research to explore and illuminate this topic: A Brand-New Language. In this personalized research essay, you will put together what was most significant or important to you about the materials you read and studied on the subject of language as a unique human phenomenon in this class. AS an A2 student you will take this a step further and apply what you've learned to a brand-new subtopic. To accomplish this, you will spend time between now and the end of the term working on this final project.

STEP 1 :

First, you will write a preliminary reflection paragraph in class. If you had a chance to learn yet another language besides your native language, what language would you study (for business or pleasure) and why?

STEP 2 : Historical Research: In this class you had a chance to discover a deeper understanding of English through learning about its historical development and evolution. Now, lead yourself in a self- study of your chosen third language. Focus on your hypothetical third language and its historical development/roots. What phases of development has the language progressed through? What aspects make this language, interesting, unique, convenient, difficult, etc? Is the language's "stock" curently going up or going down in the linguistic marketplace? (Offer some factual research to support your discussion.) Finally what is your chosen language's future?

STEP 3 : Cultural Informant Interview. Find a friend or instructor who is fluent in your chosen third language (a native speaker is preferable if you can find one) and conduct a 5-10 minute interview with him or her about his or her experiences with the language. This interview will form the third body paragraph of your mini research paper


Put all three steps together into a 5-paragraph research essay; Rquirements:

- 3-5 pages, double-spaced (this does not include your reference page) - 1 Introduction paragraph with a hook, background info & thesis

- 3-4 Supporting Body paragraphs

- 1 Concluding paragraph with summary & final thought

- At least 5 internal reference citations, especially in the second body paragraph - 1 Reference Page using APA style documentation; your only references for this paper will come from your original research.

- Use a standard font (12-point)

- Have 1-inch margins

You can use quotations/paraphases/summaries from any of the intensive readings we studied this term in addition to research from sources you find on your own. The interview content will also need to be cited properly (we will cover this in a future class) However, since you will be referring to other people's opinions in order to explain and justify your own, you will need to cite your source, whether you are quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing.


Once you have finished the first draft of your paper, I will hold a short individual conference and discuss my comments on your draft with you. Use the feedback that your paper has received from me to write a final draft. Overall, you will be graded on your paper's length and organization, on how well it addresses the topic, and on its effective, correct use of quotations, paraphrases, and/or summaries.

Reference no: EM131038544

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