Write an update statement that modifies the row

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13164448

Write an UPDATE statement that modifies the row you just added to the Categories table. This statement should change the ProductName column to "Woodwinds", and it should use the CategoryID column to identify the row. 

Reference no: EM13164448

Questions Cloud

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State bubbles were still emerging from the rubber tubing : Another student was in a hurry and stopped heating, even though bubbles were still emerging from the rubber tubing. 3.) A student used the measure of Flask no.1 to be 250mL, without measuring the volume as directed
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Write an update statement that modifies the row : Write an UPDATE statement that modifies the row you just added to the Categories table. This statement should change the ProductName column to "Woodwinds", and it should use the CategoryID column to identify the row.
What is the molecular formula of the compound : A compound with the empirical formula CH2O was found to have a molar mass between 89 and 91 g. What is the molecular formula of the compound?
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Determine the keq for the reaction of benzoic acid : Based upon your answer to Part a, do you think a significant amount of salt would form from mixing quimolar amounts of benzoic acid and 4-nitroaniline? Explain your reasoning.
Value of x after the following code is executed : What will be the value of x after the following code is executed?int x = 20, y = 30;while (y


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