Write an research essay about essential communication skills

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131032522


Write an research essay about Essential Communication Skills.

This project is the final stage of a research and writing process that incorporates your work on the Annotated Bibliography. The research materials you use for this paper are the same you have collected for the Annotated Bibliography assignment. Note that your Oral Presentation assignment will focus on one of the entries on the References list of the final paper.

• You are required to analyze and discuss in this research paper. The paper should not be just a presentation of facts and evidence.

• The paper will be 5-6 pages long (plus the cover page; plus the References page)

I. Compose a paper that contains the following elements:

o APA style title page
o Abstract
o Introduction (purpose, scope, background)
o Main discussion section with appropriate headings: 5-10 paragraphs of development, examples, evidence, expert testimony (graphs, charts, tables if applicable)
o Closing section - conclusion(s), restatement of findings
o Appendices (if needed)
o APA style reference page that includes a minimum of 5 research sources. (Each source must be cited at least once in the paper.)
o You are required to run your paper through the turnitin software. The turnitin report should be attached to your assignment.

II. Nota bene

1. No more than 30% of the assignment can be another's referenced words or ideas - if a paper simply reassembles sources from elsewhere without the addition of your own thoughts, then this constitutes a breach of academic honesty/integrity and could potentially result in a mark of zero .

2. When you revise and edit your paper, verify that

- APA-style citations are provided as needed;
- quotations are introduced or framed;
- entries on the References page are consistent with APA guidelines;
- every sentence is correct in terms of grammar and syntax;
- every word is spelled correctly.

III. Your paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines:

• Times New Roman font
• Double spaced
• One-inch margins
• First line of each paragraph indented 5 spaces
• See the research paper example in your textbook, Writing Today, to have a clear idea of the proper formatting of an APA style research paper.
• See also the APA style section of OWL: Purdue Online Writing Lab at this link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Reference no: EM131032522

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Graph on axial velocity versus time variable : Article attached provides a total 10 excel plots (figures 3 - 12) which I must obtain. Please obtain them in one excel document with each plot on a separate sheet (along with the data and mathematical formulations used to provide the plots)


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