Reference no: EM133711967
Assignment: Creative Project- U.S. Latinx Voices Digital Exhibition
Formal Written Description and Metadata: Submission of the Creative Project [CP] involves two steps. Review each step carefully to ensure you have completed all [CP] submission requirements for the written component and digital file(s) of your project. The content you submit will be collected and uploaded to our U.S. Latinx Voices Digital Exhibition.
Step I: Metadata
For the purposes of our exhibition, think of your project as a digital artifact. Your digital artifact is a primary source archive that will be placed on display. We will create metadata to catalog and organize our digital artifacts for online exhibition. This metadata also serves the purpose of safeguarding your intellectual rights to the digital artifact you have created.
1. Title | The title of the project: For example, "Collage of Xiomara's Thoughts" or Central American Memory in Verse or the "Latinx Identity Survey"
2. What | The original medium that was used to create this digital archive: Photography, painting, collage, graphic art, video, podcast, hard copy or digital book, quantitative or qualitative research, survey, essay, poem, etc...
3. Who | The author(s) of the archive: Include the names of all collaborators.
4. When | The date of the archive: When was the archive made? The more exact the date the better.
5. Where | The location where the archive was made: If the location is known, include it. If it is a digital archive, include the website.
Step II: Project Overview and Citations
Write an overview statement about your digital artifact. This overview is designed to help exhibition visitors make sense of your project and how it relates to the goals of our U.S. Latinx Voices Digital Exhibition. You may use the Creative Project Proposal you wrote for ??[CP] Tarea 3. Include any relevant revisions suggested by your peer-reviewers. Be sure to change the description of your project from future to present tense now that the project is complete.
Step III: Submission
In addition to submitting your formal written component through this template via Google Assignments, you must upload all Creative Project media files for digital display to Canvas. All students must submit a formal written component template individually. However, if you have worked in a group for the [CP], only one (1) member of your group needs to submit the project digital media files on the forum, making sure to include the names of all group members.