Write an overview - corporate philosophy

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13316331

Write an overview for 1 page 300 words

Corporate Philosophy

'The Application of Responsible, Eco-friendly Manufacture'


'To manufacture and supply the best value 'Green' roofing & siding products in North America, from recycled & natural materials, with minimal environmental impact'.


GR Green is committed to offer quality, value, transparency and eco-responsibility to its customers. Over the past 4 years GR GREEN has been focused on the development and production of the highest quality, eco-friendly synthetic roofing materials on the market today. From their prototype plant in Burnaby, BC, GR GREEN is currently producing show home roofs. Launching into full-scale production of GR GREEN Cedar and GR GREEN Slate is planned for the fall of 2013.

Reference no: EM13316331

Questions Cloud

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The public sector of the u.s. economy : Which of the following observations is true of the federal budget between 1960 and 2010? A)The federal budget was in deficit in the early 1960s
Write an overview - corporate philosophy : Write an overview - Corporate Philosophy - To manufacture and supply the best value 'Green' roofing & siding products in North America, from recycled & natural materials, with minimal environmental impact'.
Who will have the greater momentum at the bottom : Scenario: You and a friend, who is twice your size, decide to slide down identical water slides at the same time, Who will have the greater momentum at the bottom
A country is categorized as a low-income economy by : According to the World Bank, low-income economies are heavily concentrated in: A)Europe and Africa B)Europe and Asia C)Asia and Africa
Find the magnitude of the centripetal force : A motorcycle has a constant speed of 20.9 m/s as it passes over the top of a hill whose radius of curvature is 125 m. Find the magnitude of the centripetal force
In economics we usually assume that the manager : In economics, we usually assume that the manager's goal is to: Answer Maximize the firm's sales. Minimize the firm's costs. Maximize the firm's profit. Maximize the firm's stock price.


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