Reference no: EM132266709
Assignment - Final Research Argumentative Essay
For this assignment, you will use the tools you have learned throughout the course to write an original argumentative essay. Your essay will present an argument, including a thesis statement and use objective evidence as support.
Choose a topic that is a relevant, current issue society today, one that you have not yet written on in this course. This should be a topic on which there are multiple points-of-view, and an issue on which you have an opinion.
Examples of topics may include:
. Current social issues (rights movements and activism, possible limits of free speech, the positive/negative effects of new technologies such as AI, genetic modification)
. Current political debates (freedom of speech, privacy, immigration, income/opportunity equality, legal debates)
. Industry-specific concerns (advertising culture, design, intellectual property, ethical issues facing companies today)
Your essay must include:
. A paragraph explanation of your topic, including why it is a relevant issue today, some of the various positions on that topic, and why you are taking the position you are.
. Objective evidence supporting as to why your position is the most reasonable.
. One example of a strong counter-argument to your position, and why, despite this counter-argument, you still believe that your position is the most reasonable.
Your essay should be 4-5 pages of text (1200-1500 words), double-spaced, using a size 12 typeface with 1 inch margins, with a Works Cited page appended.
You must cite three or more credible sources in support of your argument that use objective evidence; more is often better, as it demonstrates you have considered multiple points of view.
A superior essay will demonstrate the following:
. Thesis Statement is a clear, specific, and falsifiable position.
. Assignment is logically organized and unified; the logical connection between content and Thesis Statement is clear.
. Text content on which the analysis is based is accurately interpreted.
. Language is clear, accurate, concise, and creative.
. Language and tone are appropriate to the audience and purpose.
. Quotations and paraphrases from sources are effectively and seamlessly integrated.
. Sentences are varied and engaging.
. Since the essay is quite short, avoid using block quotes. In order to control voice, break up large blocks of text into sentences, and explain thoroughly how the evidence you have found supports your conclusion.
. Arrange your points of evidence with what you think are your strongest points later.
. Ensure all paragraphs contain topic sentences and end with concluding sentences that restate the thesis.
. Use a mix of direct and indirect citation. Use citations throughout your paper, in support of your argument. When you use a citation, be sure to explain its relevance to your argument!
. When choosing sources to support your argument, first ensure they are reliable, not obviously biased, and that they support their arguments with objective evidence. It is not recommended that you use Wikipedia, although you can find the sources to which Wikipedia is linked.