Reference no: EM13988510
Write an Informative speech on "Rottweilers".
Biography Speech Outline
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: I want listeners to appreciate John Doe's legacy as a ______________
I. Introduction
A. Opening Statement: Quote by or about person chosen for the speech
B. Topic Introduction: Introduce who you chose to write about?
C. Topic Relevance or Importance: Why is this person famous? (How did they come to be recognized, popular, influential, or famous). Why is this person worth knowing about?
(Major achievement, importance, significance, relevance, impact)
Thesis & Preview: State the central purpose of the speech and provide a preview of the points to be covered in your speech
Transition: ......
II. Body
A.Childhood and Upbringing: How was their upbringing?
1. Where was this person born? Where did this person spend their childhood?
2. What were their circumstances? Situation? - rich or poor or middle class?
3. What did their parents do for work? Did they have siblings?
4. How was their early childhood including schooling and family life?
B. Education: What school did he/she attend?
1. What was their personality like in school? (Quiet, outgoing, sociable, etc.)
2. Did they participate in school activities? (Sports, clubs, drama, etc.)
3. What if any historical events took place during this time? And how did this influence their life? What were major events which occurred in their early life?
4. How did this person display an interest or talent for their future career?
5. Did they have role models or mentors they liked, admired, or imitated?
6. Was their family supportive of their dreams?
C. Adulthood - Career
1. Where did this person go to college and what degree did they receive? If they did not attend college how did they get started in their field?
2. What other kinds of training did they receive?
3. How were their first work experiences?
4. What jobs or other experiences which influenced their career?
D. Accomplishments or Achievements / Recognition
1. What goals did this person set out to achieve? How did they achieve their goals?
2. What was their first major discovery or accomplishment?
3. Did anyone person or life event influence their work at this time?
4. What did this person do to get recognized in their field?
5. List his/her major accomplishments, awards, recognition, etc.
A. Restate the Thesis: How did this person make a difference in the world?
B. Topic relevance or Importance: Why should this person be remembered? What can we learn from their accomplishments?
C. End with a quote by the person or about the person.