Write an information technology strategy statement

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329046

Write an information technology strategy statement includes the following (there is no real company that is used):

A narrative that addresses how each of the following IT strategy topics will be diagnosed by the IT management team:

Business aspects: Business goals and objectives that are specific to the organization

Technical issues: How the organization will utilize advanced technologies to meet the goals and objectives of the organization

Organizational concerns: The impact on the organization based on the utilization of the advanced technologies

Financial matters: Includes discussion of financial constraints (or lack thereof) faced by the organization

Personnel considerations: Includes discussion of recruiting and training skilled personnel

Reference no: EM1329046

Questions Cloud

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Write an information technology strategy statement : Write an information technology strategy statement includes the following (there is no real company that is used):
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The organization''s environment : How would your advice change based on whether the organization's environment was dynamic versus stable?


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