Write an expression for the far-field element factor

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131935676

Question - Consider 4 infinitesimal dipoles placed symmetrically along, and aligned with the z axis, spaced λ/2 apart. Each element is feed having equal amplitudes of +1 volt, with a progressive phase difference of 45 deg.

a) Write an expression for the far-field element factor.

b) Plot the normalized element factor in Matlab in:

i) the xy plane,

ii) the xz plane, and

iii) the yz plane.

c) Write an expression for the far-field array factor.

d) Plot the normalized array factor in Matlab in:

i) the xy plane,

ii) the xz plane, and

iii) the yz plane.

e) Write an expression for the far-field Total Array Pattern:

f) Plot the normalized array factor in Matlab in:

a) the xy plane,

b) the xz plane, and

c) the yz plane.

Reference no: EM131935676

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