Write an expository essay on a topic of your choice

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Reference no: EM133244565 , Length: Word count: 1000 Words

Writing Question - Description - Write an expository essay on a topic of your choice. An expository essay is an essay that explains or describes something. For this assignment, you need to identify a topic that calls for a synthesis of ideas. You will then write a well-articulated essay that fully explains or describes that topic.

Be careful with your topic selection as this is not an argument essay. That is a different assignment. You are not making an argument in this essay. You are explaining or describing something. The topic needs to be complex and requires finding several different sources to explain your topic.

For example, explain why we haven't found any aliens. This topic would require the author to identify several reasons why humans have not encountered any alien life forms up to this point. Or your essay could describe something in particular like Reading Education Assistance Dog Programs, the unknown uses of Panda feces, how the working environment impacts the efficiency of staff, causes of network mob phenomenon, or factors of the bystander effect. The one thing all of these topics have in common are that you remain unbiased in your explanation or description. You are not taking a position and arguing for that position.

The structure of the expository essay relies on the following:

A purpose to inform the reader and present an objective explanation.

The first paragraph includes an explicitly stated, clear, and concise thesis statement.

You support your thesis with well-cited evidence from your research throughout your essay.

An introduction that invites reader interest, provides background information that clearly portrays the topic, and includes a well-formulated thesis statement.

Body paragraphs that further develop and support your thesis (central idea) of your essay, documented with in-text citations (in proper APA format). Remember, the body of your paper must stay on-topic and objectively explain and inform your reader about your thesis.

A conclusion that provides the reader with a sense that the writer has fully explained, developed, and illustrated the central idea (thesis) of the essay. The conclusion should reiterate the introduction (not word for word but relate to its relevance), reemphasize the central focus of the essay, and suggest a course of action.

Reference no: EM133244565

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