Write an ethics paper

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Reference no: EM131137390

Write an ethics Paper.


As indicated in the course outline, this course requires the preparation of an ethics paper.

Paper should not exceed ten (10) pages double-spaced in length.

You must further use, and cite correctly, at least three, and preferably more, credible research sources such as books, periodicals, newspapers, or journal articles. I will grade your paper according to your ability to follow the MLA format, your grammar and punctuation, as well as to the substance of your paper.

Congressional Ethics

Congress has introduced ethics reform legislation for its members in part due to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and the conduct of Tom Delay and others. Choose either Jack Abramoff or Tom Delay and begin your paper by providing some background on this individual and his rise to power.

Describe the incidents leading up to the charges against your subject.

Describe the climate existing which permitted this individual to engage in unethical conduct.

Specifically identify the law or laws violated by your subject and the range of penalties he faces or sanctions he has received as a result of his actions. Were there others involved or implicated as the result of the conduct of your subject? If so, identify those others involved and the consequences they may face or sentences received to date. Tell us what you think caused your subject to "cross the line" into unethical conduct.Was it arrogance, lust for power, money, or some other reason?

Finally, briefly outline the substance and status of the ethics reform legislation being considered, or adopted, by Congress at the time of presentation of your paper. State how the previous ethics code of Congress differs from the new legislation and whether you believe the new legislation will be effective in deterring similar conduct in the future.


1. Your paper must be typed and double-spaced on "8.5 x 11" white paper, with numbered pages, one inch margins on all sides

2. Should not exceed 10 pages in length (not including tables, figures, and references).

3. Do not use headings or a table of contents. These are formal research papers.

4. Papers must follow the MLA (Modern Language Association), MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (6th ed.) (LB 2369.G53 2003), format as to proper citations within the text and proper listing of your cited sources in a "Works Cited" page. Do not leave out any sources referenced in your paper from your Works Cited page and do not include any sources not referred to in your paper in the Works Cited page.

5. If you used an article from the Internet, it may not be someone's posted opinion or comments from a blog. It must be from a magazine, newspaper, book or journal article retrieved from a database. YOU MAY NOT USE WIKIPEDIA OR OUR TEXT AS A SOURCE. You must be able to cite the title, date, source and author if one is available. In the Works Cited page, you must provide the appropriate data and the Internet location as follows:
Bernstein, Daniel, Harvey Bender, and Michael Steven Marx. "Disciplining the Minds of Students." Change 37.2 (2005): 36-43. ERIC. OCLC First Search. Oakland U Lib. 28 Sept. 2006 .

Reference no: EM131137390

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