Reference no: EM133832630 , Length: Words Count:2000
In 2,000 words, write an essay about the Isreal-Palastine war in global politics and focus on what the global community ought to do about it. In the essay, Include the background of the war and the causes of the war up until 2024. Briefly talk about the one-state and the two-state solutions. Focus more on the three-state solution that you think can help end the war. Make the work easy to follow and understand
I want you to use these sources to make any citations and make reference with chapters and page numbers
Strange, Susan. "The Westfailure System." Review of International Studies (p. 345-356)
Mazower. "The Standard of Civilization." In "Chapter 3: The Empire of Law."
Henry Dunant- Memory Of Solferino (chapter 3) Brutality of the war
Oumar Ba. (Chapter 1) : "Regimes of International Criminal Justice." In: States of Justice: Politics of the International Criminal Court.
Oumar Ba. (Chapter 2): "States of Justice." In: States of Justice: Politics of the International Criminal Court.
Shea, Jamie. Keeping NATO Relevant.
Farsakh, Leila. "The One-State Solution and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Palestinian Challenges and Prospects." Middle East Journal (p. 55-71)
Hacohen, Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon. "The Three-State Solution." Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen- "Having it both ways: the question of legal regimes in Gaza and the West Bank."
Benny Morris' work on the Nakba