Write an essay that critically evaluates language testing

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132609537 , Length: 2000 words

Writing critical evaluation of a testing regime

Question: Write an essay that critically evaluates language testing and assessment in an educational environment that interests you (eg a school, university, private language centre, testing system or regime). The assessment should be ESL, EFL, or a foreign language. The environment could be one that you already know or one that that you are not familiar with but would like to probe. An "educational environment" may be a testing system like that of Cambridge Assessment, Pearson or TOEFL.

Describe the major features of the assessment and discuss their degree of effectiveness. Consider the relationship between testing or assessment and learning in this environment. You may deal with formative and/or non-formal assessment if you wish. Provide sufficient evidence for your argument, including samples of items or tasks. This is also an opportunity to offer suggestions for reform if you think they are needed.

Make sure that you include references to some of the chief concepts and terms that we have used in our unit.

Reference no: EM132609537

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