Write an essay that analyzes a public budget shortage

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Reference no: EM132215901


Write an essay that analyzes a public budget shortage in your community or state.

In this essay assignment, you will identify a public problem, pinpoint stakeholders involved, draft potential resolutions, and examine what strategies were used or could be used in order to derive additional revenue or to eliminate the shortfall.

Based on your suggested resolution, identify the cost and benefits from a public-sector perspective.

Budget topic examples could include public education, transportation, health and welfare programs, or economic development themes. This assignment can also apply to a nonprofit institution of your choosing.

Ensure your essay is at least two pages in length but is no longer than four pages in length, is double-spaced, and uses 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.

Section headings are also encouraged to help organize your paper.

Your essay must be written using APA format. Be sure to include a title page and a reference page, but please note that these will not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited.

Title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirements.

The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources, whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes.

Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and to paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others.

Reference no: EM132215901

Questions Cloud

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Write an essay that analyzes a public budget shortage : Write an essay that analyzes a public budget shortage in your community or state.
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