Write an essay on the topic dr google health risk

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131127412 , Length: 950 Words

Topic : Dr. Google Health Risk

Your lecturer will place several links in Interact to a number of relevant articles and/or case studies. These will be available to you just after your second assignment has been submitted.

1. Choose one of the media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site.

2. Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your essay, so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.

3. Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.

You are required to complete the following:

Write an essay:

  • The word limit for the essay is 1,000 words ± 10%. Headings, citations and references do not count towards the word limit, but quotations do.
  • Analyse the article/case study from the perspective of at least two different classical ethical theories, one of which must be that of "Just Consequentialism". Present well reasoned arguments for your assessments and recommendations.
  • Write an overall conclusion that justifies your recommendations made in your essay.
  • Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations.


This assessment extends the skills practiced in Assessment item 1 and 2, to help you to achieve all the learning objectives.
In addition to identifying a contentious situation in ICT and dissecting the argument(s) about it, you must also now demonstrate the ability to evaluate the elements of the argument by introducing classical ethical principles where appropriate.

Since Assessment item 1 and 2, your knowledge will have grown, and you will now realise that almost all ICT ethical dilemmas can be classified under one of the main ICT ethical issues that are discussed in this subject; for instance, surveillance is a sub-issue of privacy, harmful software is a sub-issue of ICT professionalism, and piracy is a sub-issue of intellectual property.
In ICT, the main ethical issues are taken to be:

  • ICT professionalism
  • Privacy
  • Security
  • Cyber-crime
  • Intellectual property
  • Regulation on the internet
  • Social inclusion
  • Community and identity
  • Pervasive and convergent computing.

Assignment 2 Template

Use the following headings for Assignment 2

1. The Scenario

Describe the scenario by giving all the facts of the case here in logical order. This is like a story reported in the newspaper.

2. The Stakeholders

Write a numbered list of all participants in the scenario.For each stakeholder say what actions he did or what actions were done to him.

3. Ethical Issues

List all the actions from section 2 above that ethically dubious, i.e. that are possibly unethical. These are called the ethical issues of the scenario which your report will evaluate to decide whether they were ethically correct or not.There may be only one ethical issue to consider or there may be several.

4. Non-Ethical Issues

List the actions from section 2 above which are not questionable, that is those actions that do not worry us. These are called the non-ethical issues and we will not analyse those actions for ethical validity.

5. Consequences

List numerically the consequences on the stakeholders of the scenario of the ethical issues listed in section 3 above.

6. Code of Ethics Implications

Use the 6 Principles of the ACS Code of Ethics to see whether the stakeholders who caused the ethical issues were unethical according to the standards of the ACS.

7. Options

In this section you must give a numerical list of you suggestions for resolving the Cyberethics issues in this scenario. Give 5 or 6 suggestions for consideration. They don't all have to be great suggestions.

8. Conclusions

This is the only section where you may give your personal opinion. Your personal opinion should be that you recommend one of the options listed in section 7. You must back up your personal opinion with good reasoning and explanations in this section.

9. References

Here you must list 6 or more references all in the APA format, and two of which must be academic references. You can find suitable academic references at the end of every chapter of the Tavani text book. Tavani's references however are not in the APA format and therefore you must reformat those references. You should also reference the Tavani text book, the class pdf notes from the text book, the ACS Code of Ethics documents on the web and my class handouts.

Reference no: EM131127412

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Write an essay on the topic dr google health risk : Topic : Dr. Google Health Risk
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