Reference no: EM13770543
You are required to write an essay based on one of the following 15 multinational companies in which you include responses to the following eight tasks:
List of companies:
a. ABB
b. Airbus
c. Boots
d. British American Tobacco
e. Diageo
f. Dyson
g. Ernst & Young
h. Facebook
i. Holland & Barrett
j. Huawei
k. ING Group
l. Lenovo
m. Marriott
n. Royal Dutch Shell
o. Volkswagen
1) Introduce briefly the multinational company of your choice
2) Using the theory of foreign direct investment, identify the company's main drivers of accessing foreign markets and their buyers
3) Discuss the key external environmental issues (i.e. cultural, political, legal and financial/economic) impacting on the company when accessing foreign markets
4) Identify the key challenges and opportunities facing the company when doing business in emerging markets
5) Evaluate the international market entry modes adopted by the company
6) Comment on the company's structure and control mechanisms for its international business operations
7) Examine how one of the following activities has facilitated or hindered the company's international business operations
• Marketing
• Logistics
8) Suggest one aspect that the company needs to develop in the future (you may refer to the section ‘The future of international business management').
Your critical evaluation should examine recent developments in the topic area and application of theory to business organisations. You need to use academic journal articles from the following journals (a minimum of four) alongside other references.
a. Journal of International Business Studies
b. Thunderbird International Business Reviews
c. The Academy of Management Journal
d. Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets
e. Harvard Business Review
f. Marketing Intelligence & Planning
g. International Business Review
h. Management International Review
i. Strategic Management Journal
j. Journal of World Business.
How does role of credit rationing influence economic growth
: Analyze the role of credit rationing in both a developed country and a less-developed country. How does the role of credit rationing influence economic growth and employment in these two countries?
Challenges that exist in crime and criminology
: Based on your chosen topic, define the problems and challenges that exist in crime and criminology. Explain the historical issues that have contributed to the problems and challenges
Explain how and why each source is valuable
: Develop a list of 2 or 3 resources you might use to gather historical economic data as well as economic forecast data - Explain how and why each source is valuable and useful.
Discuss the premise of probation and intermediate sanctions
: Describe and discuss the premise of "Probation" and "Intermediate Sanctions?" Include in the response information that explains how "net widening" works
Write an essay on the companies airbus and boots
: Write an essay on the following Multinational companies- Airbus, Boots, British American Tobacco, Diageo, Dyson, Ernst & Young, Facebook, Holland & Barrett, Huawei, ING Group and Lenovo.
Define false imprisonment and kidnapping
: False imprisonment is different from kidnapping partly because their is no asportation in false imprisonment. There are other conditions. Define "false imprisonment" and "kidnapping" and generally discuss so that each are understood
Discuss how the legal issues affect business
: Discuss how the legal issues affect business. For example, could the problems have been avoided? Explain. Discuss realistic solutions supported by sound legal and business principles
Describe the issues and current status of the case
: Summarize the issues and current status of the case and discuss how, as a supervisory and hiring authority for the organization, you would have been instrumental in avoiding legal challenges. Cite the URL for the article so students can review
What two dimensions of consumers are creating
: What two dimensions of consumers are creating the appearance of paradox?