Write an essay on issue of women and development in africa

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13752781

Part 1-

Consider the issue of Family & Kinship in Africa. Post a forum topic, which YOU will lead, on an issue of YOUR choice related to the topic of Family & Kinship in Africa.

When posting your topic, keep the following in mind:

1. Make your posting as concise and succinct as possible, adding a question at the end to prod your classmates toward deeper analysis of the issue you have raised.

2. To ensure adequate responses, you should post your topic as early in the module as possible. Postings toward the end of the module tend not to elicit many responses, as your classmates may have completed module activities and be moving to the next module.

3. As part of your posting, introduce a relevant current article as background context (refer to LIBRARY & RESEARCH RESOURCESfor this course/module).

4. Feel free to add any relevant articles you might locate to the Articles About Family & Kinship area.

5. Most important -- Be sure to CHECK back and monitor replies to your topic posting!

Part 2-

Consider the issue of Women & Development in Africa. Post a forum topic, which YOU will lead, on a issue of YOUR choice related to the topic of Women & Development in Africa.

When posting your topic, keep the following in mind:

1. Make your posting as concise and succinct as possible, adding a question at the end to prod your classmates toward deeper analysis of the issue you have raised.

2. To ensure adequate responses, you should post your topic as early in the module as possible. Postings toward the end of the module tend not to elicit many responses, as your classmates may have completed module activities and be moving to the next module.

3. As part of your posting, introduce a relevant current article as background context (refer to LIBRARY & RESEARCH RESOURCES for this course/module).

4. Feel free to add any relevant articles you might locate to the Articles About Women & Development area.

Reference no: EM13752781

Questions Cloud

Why did garibaldi become national hero to the italian people : Why did Garibaldi become such a national hero to the Italian people? How does Garibaldi's comportment as a political and military leader prefigure the conduct of later revolutionary leaders and military activists?
Characteristic of profit persistence in an industry : What term best describes the characteristic of a process if past circumstances could exclude certain evolutions in the future - characteristic of profit persistence in an industry?
Describe at least three orm-d-other regulated materials : Describe at least three ORM-D-Other Regulated Materials, and describe how their transportation requirements differ from more hazardous materials.
What type of company and what is your product or service : What type of company and what is your product or service? Which form of ownership will you use? What are the pros of that ownership? What are the cons?
Write an essay on issue of women and development in africa : Write an essay on the issue of Women and Development in Africa or the issue of Family & Kinship in Africa.
What is involved in project scope management : What is involved in project scope management and why is good project scope management so important on information technology projects.
Different types of health insurance plans-ffs : Which of the three funding measures, considering the relative financial contributions it imposes on individuals such as these, would you support and why?
Explain the actions the federal government : Expansionary Fiscal Policy - Explain the actions the federal government would take while engaging in expansionary fiscal policy in terms.
Describe marketing plan and sales strategy : Marketing Plan: This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a marketing plan and sales strategy, and a marketing budget


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