Write an essay on given topic

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131246145 , Length: word count : 250

Write an essay with 250 words ( causes and effects )
• Introduction
• causes
• effects
• conclusion

Note that we must paraphrase and highlight from the attached source.

keep it simple and specific please.

Managing Stress

College requires significantly more effort from students than high school. Once you enter college, you will probably find that your fellow students are more motivated, your instructors are more demanding, the work is more difficult, and you are expected to be more  independent. These higher academic standards and expectations are even more evident in graduate school. As a result of these new
demands, it is common for college students to experience greater levels of stress related to academics.

Many students find that they need to develop new skills in order to balance academic demands with a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, the University of Michigan offers many resources to help students develop these skills. Many students find that they can reduce theft level of academic stress by improving skills such as time management, stress management, and relaxation.

The Pros and Cons of Stress
Stress is anything that alters your natural balance. When stress is present, your body and your mind must attend to it in order to return you to balance. Your body reacts to stress by releasing hormones that help you cope with the situation. That in turn takes energy away from the other functions of your brain, like concentrating, or taking action. There are two different sources of stress: external
triggers, like getting a poor grade or breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, and internal triggers, like placing high expectations on yourself.

Reference no: EM131246145

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