Reference no: EM13734492
Part 1- Write an essay on The New Era (1920s) using the following format
I. Economy-Business
A. Affluence and its Sources
1. Corporate Mergers
2. 2nd Industrial Revolution
a. Automobiles & Henry Ford
i. Innovations
-Assembly-Line Mass Production
ii. Social Consequences
3. Other Growth Areas
a. Ancillary industries
b. Electricity
4. Income Maldistribution
-Agricultural Depression
II. Middle-Class Culture
A. Improved Diet & Hygiene
B. Victorian v. New Morality
1. Consumer Culture-Leisure Culture
2. College Youth & the 1st Sexual Revolution
III. Mass Media
A. Radio
• Technology-Content-Consequences
B. Movies
• Technology-Content-Consequences
C. Advertising
• Strategies-Consequences
IV. Women
A. Family
• Companionate Marriage
B. Higher Education
• Women's Fields
C. Work
1. Industrial Jobs → Service Jobs
2. 20th-Century Trends
D. Politics
• Suffrage (19th Amendment)
Part 2- Write an essay on Great Depression (1929-1941) using the following format
I. Causes
A. Industrial Slowdown
B. Maldistribution of Income
1. Agricultural Depression
C. Stock Market Crash
D. Banking Collapse
E. European Depression
II. Social Effects
A. Statistics
B. Women
C. African Americans
D. Immigration
E. Dust-Bowl Migration
Part 3- Write an essay on New Deal (1933-1938) using the following format
I. Depression Presidents
A. Prelude-Herbert Hoover
B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
II. Pursuing Recovery
A. Public Works Projects
1. Works Progress Administration (WPA)
B. Recovery?
III. Enduring Achievements
A. Rural America
1. Mortgages + Electricity
B. Stabilizing the Economy
1. Stock Market
-Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)
2. Banking
-Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC)
3. Home-Buying
-Federal Housing Authority (FHA)
C. Creating a Security Net
1. Social Security Act
a. Retirement Pensions
b. Unemployment Insurance
c. Aid to Dependent Children
d. Aid to Disabled
D. Unionizing Workers
1. Wagner Act
-National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
Part 4- Write an essay on World War II (1939-1945) using the following format
I. Consequences
A. Geopolitical
1. 60 million dead
2. New weapons
3. Ends Fascist threat
4. Holocaust
5. Democratic Germany-Japan
6. Cold War
7. Collective Security (UN-NATO)
8. Decolonization
9. European Unification
B. Domestic
1. Ends Depression
2. G.I. Bill
3. Government-Science
4. Income Tax
5. Japanese Internment
II. The Gathering Storm (1930s)
A. German Ambitions
B. Japanese Ambitions
1. Pearl Harbor
C. US Isolationism
III. European War
A. 3 Factors
1. Soviet Manpower-Economic Revival
2. American Economy
3. Air Supremacy
B. Chronology
IV. Pacific War
A. Midway
B. "War Without Mercy"
C. Firebombing
D. A-Bomb
Part 5- Write an essay on Civil Rights Movement (1954-1970s) using the following format
I. Preconditions
A. Activist black population
-Veterans and college students
B. Great Migration
-WWII and black voting
C. Holocaust
D. Cold War
-Competition for Africa
E. Post-War affluence
-Baby Boomers
F. Mass media
G. Social sciences
H. Federal intervention
-Earl Warren's Court
I. Southern economy
-Sharecropping and industry
II. Civil Rights Movement: South
A. Desegregation
1. Brown v. Board (1954)
2. Montgomery Bus Boycott
3. Martin Luther King Jr.
4. Birmingham, 1963
5. 1964 Civil Rights Act
B. Voting
1. 1965 Voting Rights Act
III. Race Relations: North
A. Race riots: Watts (1965)
B. Black power
IV. Achievements-Limitations
A. Politics
B. Education
C. Incomes
D. Inner cities.