Reference no: EM133575536
Assignment: Employment Law Policy Paper
Each student will submit an essay of 2,500 words on an appropriate public policy issue related to a significant employment law topic. Research using the Nexis Uni database the policy paper may be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. The assigned title is given below.
Title: Whether (and to what extent) ride-share drivers (e.g., Uber, Lyft, etc.) are "employees" under the FLSA?
Sample Format for Policy Paper:
I. Title: [Title of the Policy Paper]
II. Executive Summary:
1. Brief overview of the issue
2. Summary of key findings and recommendations
III. Introduction:
1. Introduction to the problem or issue
2. Background information and context
IV. Problem Statement:
1. Clear statement of the problem or issue being addressed
2. Explanation of its significance and impact
V. Analysis:
1. Detailed examination of different aspects of the issue
2. Use of data, statistics, case studies, and expert opinions to support analysis
3. Identification of causes, stakeholders, and potential challenges
VI. Current Policies and Approaches:
1. Overview of existing policies or approaches related to the issue
2. Evaluation of their effectiveness or shortcomings
VII. Proposed Policy Recommendations:
1. Concrete policy recommendations to address the issue
2. Justification for each recommendation based on analysis and evidence
3. Consideration of potential outcomes and impact of proposed policies
VIII. Implementation Plan:
1. Detailed plan for implementing the proposed policies
2. Consideration of resources, timeline, stakeholders, and potential barriers
IX. Conclusion:
1. Summary of key points and recommendations
2. Emphasize the importance of taking action on the issue
X. References:
1. Citations for all sources used in the policy paper.