Reference no: EM13988478
Read the book "my enemy my self" by Yoram Binur and watch the movie "even the rain" to write an essay
1. Step one. Focus on a theme or a particular attribute of human nature.
Build a thesis based on one of the themes here, or any discussed today.Possible Themes: Exclusion, Resistance, Freedom, Social Responsibility, Powerand Privilege, Community., revenge, anger, posing/acting, etc.Your theme could also focus primarily on one aspect of human nature. You canalso make your decision based on today's discussion or on some of the traits below:It can be argued that humans tend to be selfish, giving, close-minded, open minded,greedy, rebellious, narcissistic, courageous, fearful, etc.
2. Step two. Make a thesis.Choose one of the themes or attributes of human nature, and build a thesis based onit. After you make your choice of theme/human nature attribute, come up withquestions about your theme that begin with ‘why', ‘how', or 'what is the impact of'.Make the questions difficult and challenging.Create a theory based on possible answers to your question.
3. Step three. Detective work. After coming up with a theory/thesis, dig into bothtexts and gather support. You can use the brainstorming sheets provided in class toget started, but you will also need to dig into the text and film and extract evidence.
4. Step four: Outline: After finding evidence,, revise your thesis and design youroutline. Put points of comparison in best sequence - which reflects the cause/effectin your theory/thesis. Use the paragraph boxes that I have provided.5. Step five. Write first draft. Begin writing your draft. If your paragraph boxeshave been filled out beforehand, this will really help you write your bodyparagraphs.
Specific Paper Requirements:
1. An introduction which provides an attention-getter, informs the reader aboutthe topic & sources, and delivers a strong thesis.
2. In at least three body paragraphs which express a point of comparison betweenMy Enemy, My Self and Even the Rain.
3. Each body paragraph should show the skills we've been working on. Theyshould be focused, explain their point clearly and ‘show' or support each pointwith specific evidence. Quotes make good evidence, but you can also supportwith paraphrase or summary. Always provide page numbers. Make sure tointerpret and explain how the evidence fits the point.
4. Provide a conclusion.