Write an essay about adaptive physical education

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Reference no: EM131248898

The first thing that you need to start working on for your annotated bibliography is a topic. Although you do not have to finalize your topic until next week, you should start thinking about it now. You are encouraged to choose a topic that is related to your majorand that you find interesting. You will be working with this topic for the full five weeks of this class, so it should be something that you will not get bored with. My major is Early Childhood Education.

This assignment is to write a short essay discussing your thoughts about and past experiences with research as well as the topic that you are considering for your annotated bibliography. Be sure to use the template provided and write an essay that addresses the following requirements:

• At least one experience you have had doing research in the past. This can be research for a school project or personal research, like if you have done research before a big move or before a major purchase.

• At least one aspect of the annotated bibliography project that concerns you or one aspect of the annotated bibliography project that excites you.

• The topic that you are considering for your annotated bibliography.

Your paper must:

• Be written in the first person (I, me, my, etc.).
• Be one to two pages long (excluding title page and reference page)
• Demonstrate correct spelling and grammar (Use Grammarly for help with spelling and grammar difficulties.)
• Use correct APA citations of outside sources.


School lunches
School uniforms
Funding for arts/music education in schools
Education Reform
No Child Left Behind
Standardized Tests
State educational standards (Common Core)
Charter Schools
College Admission Policies
Non-profit vs. For-profit education
Home schooling
Prayer in school
Sex Education
School vouchers
Grade inflation
Intelligence tests
Athletes in high school
Pledge of Allegiance
European education vs. U.S. education
Internet and children
Ability grouping
Adaptive physical education
Boarding schools
Class sizes
Classroom management
Funding for schools
Merit pay for teachers
Information literacy
Outcomes based education
Retention polices
Collaborative learning
Blended learning
Computer aided instruction
Early childhood education
Distance learning high schools
Moral values education.

Reference no: EM131248898

Questions Cloud

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Write an essay about adaptive physical education : Write an essay about Adaptive physical education. At least one aspect of the annotated bibliography project that concerns you or one aspect of the annotated bibliography project that excites you.
Perception of its employees by customers : A bank in a small town is concerned with the perception of its employees by customers and others in the community. Branch managers are responsible for both the running of the branches and building community relationships.
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