Write an engagingand informative summary of resource

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Reference no: EM133150250

COIT20246 ICT Services Management - Central Queensland University

The purpose of this assignment is to extend your knowledge of the concepts covered in this unit into current and emerging technologies and issues. Moreover, while it is useful to know things about ICT, it is much harder to be able to explain those things to people without technical knowledge. This assignment focuses on assessing how effective you are assimilating and communicating information, gathering more information and reflecting on the issues and how they will affect you.

Task One

Part 1.
Read the Marr (2022)resource from Forbes:

Write an interesting, engagingand informative summary of resource. You must use your own words and you should highlight aspects of the resource you think are particularly interesting. It is important that you simplify it into common, easily understood language. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource.You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.

Marr, B 2022, The 5 Biggest Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Trends In 2022, Forbes, viewed 10/1/2022,

Part 2.
1. Find an Internet (online) resource that provides additional information and/or a different perspective on the central theme of the resource you summarised in Part 1. The important thing is that the resource contains different information. You should be looking for a resource that contain substantial additional information that strongly relates to the resource in Part 1. The resource must be freely available online or via the CQU library. You must provide a working URL - If the URL you provide cannot be accessed by your marker, you will receive zero for this entire part (0/4). You must also provide a full Harvard reference to the resource. This includes a URL and access date.

2. Like you did in Part 1, summarise the resource, in your own words. The summary should focus on highlighting how the resource you selected expands upon and adds to the original prescribed resource. It is important that you use simple, non-technical language that is interesting, engaging and informative. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource. You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.
If your summary does not relate to the URL/reference you provide (i.e. you have used information from a different source), you will receive zero.
You should AVOID using academic resources such as journal papers, conference papers and book chapters as these are normally very difficult to summarise in less than 500 words. Instead, try looking for online news articles, blog posts and technical How-Tos.

Part 3.
Reflect on the concepts and topics discussed in the prescribed resource and the resource you found.Your task is to summarisehow you think they could potentially impact on YOUR future. The "future" can range from near (a few months, a year) to far (several years, decades). Summarise these in a response of no more than 500 words, ensuring that you develop and justify arguments for the impacts that you nominate. You will not be required to use in-text citations, as such, it is not appropriate to cite any resources. Once again, use simple, easy to understand language. DO NOT re-summarise Parts 1 & 2 - your reflection must be about the impacts on YOU and YOUR future.

Task Two

Part 1.
Read the MacCarthy& Propp (2021)resource from TechTank:

Write an interesting, engaging and informative summary of resource. You must use your own words and you should highlight aspects of the resource you think are particularly interesting. It is important that you simplify it into common, easily understood language. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource. You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.

Part 2.
1. Find an Internet (online) resource that provides additional information and/or a different perspective on the central theme of the resource you summarised in Part 1. The important thing is that the resource contains different information. You should be looking for a resource that contain substantial additional information that strongly relates to the resource in Part 1. The resource must be freely available online or via the CQU library. You must provide a working URL - If the URL you provide cannot be accessed by your marker, you will receive zero for this entire part (0/4). You must also provide a full Harvard reference to the resource. This includes a URL and access date.
2. Like you did in Part 1, summarise the resource, in your own words. The summary should focus on highlighting how the resource you selected expands upon and adds to the original prescribed resource. It is important that you use simple, non-technical language that is interesting, engaging and informative. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource. You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.
If your summary does not relate to the URL/reference you provide (i.e. you have used information from a different source), you will receive zero.

Part 3.
Reflect on the concepts and topics discussed in the prescribed resource and the resource you found. Your task is to summarise how you think they could potentially impact on YOUR future. The "future" can range from near (a few months, a year) to far (several years, decades). Summarise these in a response of no more than 500 words, ensuring that you develop and justify arguments for the impacts that you nominate. You will not be required to use in-text citations, as such, it is not appropriate to cite any resources. Once again, use simple, easy to understand language. DO NOT re-summarise Parts 1 & 2 - your reflection must be about the impacts on YOU and YOUR future.

Task Three

Part 1.
Read the Volpicelli (2021) resource fromWired:

Write an interesting, engaging and informative summary of resource. You must use your own words and you should highlight aspects of the resource you think are particularly interesting. It is important that you simplify it into common, easily understood language. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource. You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.
Volpicelli, GM 2021, The draconian rise of internet shutdowns, Wired, viewed 10/1/2021,

Part 2.
1. Find an Internet (online) resource that provides additional information and/or a different perspective on the central theme of the resource you summarised in Part 1. The important thing is that the resource contains different information. You should be looking for a resource that contain substantial additional information that strongly relates to the resource in Part 1. The resource must be freely available online or via the CQU library. You must provide a working URL - If the URL you provide cannot be accessed by your marker, you will receive zero for this entire part (0/4). You must also provide a full Harvard reference to the resource. This includes a URL and access date.

2. Like you did in Part 1, summarise the resource, in your own words. The summary should focus on highlighting how the resource you selected expands upon and adds to the original prescribed resource. It is important that you use simple, non-technical language that is interesting, engaging and informative. You MUST NOT paraphrase the resource or any sentences or ANY parts of the resource. You MUST NOT quote from the resource (except for key metrics if relevant). Your summary MUST NOT exceed 500 words. You will not be required to use in-text citations as you are only summarising a single prescribed resource. As such, it is not appropriate to cite any other resources.
If your summary does not relate to the URL/reference you provide (i.e. you have used information from a different source), you will receive zero.

You should AVOID using academic resources such as journal papers, conference papers and book chapters as these are normally very difficult to summarise in less than 500 words. Instead, try looking for online news articles, blog posts and technical How-Tos.

Part 3.
Reflect on the concepts and topics discussed in the prescribed resource and the resource you found. Your task is to summarise how you think they could potentially impact on YOUR future. The "future" can range from near (a few months, a year) to far (several years, decades). Summarise these in a response of no more than 500 words, ensuring that you develop and justify arguments for the impacts that you nominate. You will not be required to use in-text citations, as such, it is not appropriate to cite any resources. Once again, use simple, easy to understand language. DO NOT re-summarise Parts 1 & 2 - your reflection must be about the impacts on YOU and YOUR future.

Attachment:- ICT Services Management.rar

Reference no: EM133150250

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