Write an employee payroll program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13841552

The file must be called <Payroll.java> (driver program)


Hourly.java (which extends employee)

Salaried.java (which extends employee)

SalariedPlusCommission.java (which extends Salaried)

Ensure you include ALL files required to make your program compile and run.

I would like to see your .java files only.

Overall Requirements

Write an employee payroll program that uses polymorphism to calculate and print the weekly payroll for your company. There are three types of employees - hourly, salaried, and salaried plus commission. Each type of employee gets paid using a different formula. But for all employee types, if the calculated paycheck exceeds $1000, the actual paycheck must be decreased to $1000

Use this class hierarchy:


Use the public access modifier for the toStringmethod in the Employee class and the load method in the Employee, Hourly, Salaried, and SalariedPlusCommission classes.

Employee.java class

Instance variables:


social security number

birthday month

birthday week

loadmethod :

Prompts the user for instance-variable values and loads the entries.


Returns a string that shows the employee's name, social security number, and paycheck.. Use the String.format method (See Java API documentation to help you format the string as shown in the sample session's paycheck report.) Here's an example from the sample session:

employee: Biff Sanchez

social security number: 111-11-1111

paycheck: $800.00


Generates a $100 employee birthday bonus. Compare the employee's birthday with the current date found on your computer system. Use the Calendar class to generate the current date. (See Sun's Java API documentation.) If the employee's birthday month and birthday week match your computer system's current month and current week, then increment the employee's paycheck by $100. The birthdayMonth holds the month (1-12) in which the employee was born. The birthdayWeek holds the week (1-4) that the employee chooses to get paid his/her bonus.

Include a getEarningsmethod that is abstract.

Use the public access modifier for the toStringmethod to return a string version of the contents of the employee.

Hourly.java class

Instance variables:

hourly pay

hours worked during the past week


Prompts the user for instance-variable values and loads the entries. Include a getEarningsmethod that calculates earnings for an hourly employee. Hourly employees are paid by the hour. If they work more than 40 hours in a week, then they receive overtime pay for their overtime work. Overtime pay equals one and a half times their normal hourly pay.

Salaried.java class

Instance variables:

Weekly salary


Prompts the user for instance-variable values and loads the entries.

Include a getEarningsmethod that calculates earnings for a salaried employee. Salaried employees are paid their fixed weekly salary regardless of the number of hours they work.

SalariedPlusCommission.java class

Instance variables:

Sales during the past week commission rate


Prompts the user for instance-variable values and loads the entries.

Include a getEarningsmethod that calculates earnings for a SalariedPlusCommission employee. SalariedPlusCommission employees are paid a base salary plus a percentage of their sales. "Percentage of their sales" equates to the product of their sales times their commission rate.

Use initially declared named constants instead of hardcoded "magic numbers" embedded in the program.

Provide a driver that generates the following queries and outputs.

Sample session (assuming current month = 10 and current week = 2):

Number of employees: 3


type Hourly(1), Salaried(2), Salaried plus Commission(3)

Enter 1, 2, or 3 ==>1

Name ==>Biff Sanchez

Social security number ==>111-11-1111

Birthday month (1-12) ==>2

Birthday bonus week (1-4) ==>3

Hourly pay ==>20

Hours worked this past week ==>30


type Hourly(1), Salaried(2), Salaried plus Commission(3)

Enter 1, 2, or 3 ==>2

Name ==>Dirk Jones

Social security number ==>222-22-2222

Birthday month (1-12) ==>10

Birthday bonus week (1-4) ==>2

Salary ==>700


type Hourly(1), Salaried(2), Salaried plus Commission(3)

Enter 1, 2, or 3 ==>3

Name ==>Suzie Que

Social security number ==>333-33-3333

Birthday month (1-12) ==>7

Birthday bonus week (1-4) ==>3

Salary ==>400

Sales for this past week ==>2000

Sales commission rate (fraction paid to employee) ==>.25


employee: Biff Sanchez

social security number: 111-11-1111

paycheck: $600.00

employee: Dirk Jones

social security number: 222-22-2222

paycheck: $800.00

employee: Suzie Que

social security number: 333-33-3333

paycheck: $900.00

Reference no: EM13841552

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