Write an e-mail that will impress your supervisor

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13498527

You have been laboring all summer at an intership, learning how business is conducted. You have done works nobody else wanted to do,but that`s ok.This morning your supervisor asks you to write a job description of the job you have been doing"Include everything even the filing" she suggests and address it to me in an email message. "You can practice describing your work without exaggeration or too much modesty" she says ,smiling. Your task: Using good techniques for short messages and relying on your real life work experience, write an e-mail that will impress your supervisor. Make sure the subject line is concise and descriptive or what the memo is about. It is best to use a bulleted list of your duties. Introduce the list with a sentence. End the memo wi th one or two brief summary sentences.

Reference no: EM13498527

Questions Cloud

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State the structure of the stereoisomer with dipole moment : One has a dipole of 0 D, and the other has a dipole moment of 2.95 D. Draw the structure of the stereoisomer with dipole moment of 2.95 D.
Explain the nature of intermolecular interactions in mixture : Is it possible to have homogeneous binary liquid solution whose viscosity is higher or lower than that of either of the two component liquid? what conclusions would you draw about the nature of intermolecular interactions in such a mixture
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Write an e-mail that will impress your supervisor : Write an e-mail that will impress your supervisor. Make sure the subject line is concise and descriptive or what the memo is about.
Calculate the price elasticity of karl and john : Q#1Assume the demand curve for beer is given by P=11.7-2Q; the supply curve is given by P=Q.
Determine width of the north wall can she see : In a church choir loft, two parallel walls are 5.70 m apart. The singers stand against the north wall. What width of the north wall can she see
Explain why the organic layer is washed with 2 m naoh : In the purification process, the organic layer is washed with 2 M NaOH and then with water. What is the purpose of these washes
Explain how many cells are on the plate : How many cells are on the plate. What fraction of the cell surface is occupied by receptors versus normal phospholipids


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