Write an assembly program that reads in a number of cents

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13809846

1. Write an Assembly program that reads in a number of cents. The program will write out the number of dollars and cents separately.

2. Write an Assembly program to read three numbers in from the user, and output BOTH the sum and the product of the three numbers.

3. Write an Assembly program to determine the cost for a group to attend a movie. Tickets are $ 6 for children and $ 8 for adults. Read in the number of children and the number of adults, and display the total movie cost.

4. Write an Assembly program to compute a person's gas mileage. Prompt for the beginning mileage, ending mileage, and the number of gallons (whole gallons) it took to fill the car. Then compute and display the gas mileage (whole miles per gallon).

Reference no: EM13809846

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