Write an assembly language code segment to insert

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13780513



Write an assembly language code segment to insert into the main.asm file that takes an input controlled by a potentionmeter, converts that input to a digital value, and displays that value on the LEDs according to the following:

TABLE 8-1:  LED Conditions


LEDs Lit

$0000 - $3332


$3333 - $6665


$6666 - $9998


$9999 - $CCCB





Modify your code by replacing "ATD0DR1" with "ATD0DR0."  Slowly move your hand over the CSM12D module to cast a shadow on the board.  Observe the reaction of your display LEDs to different brightness levels.


(1)   Study how to program in Assembly Language while using CodeWarrior and the PBMCUSLK and CSM12D modules.

(2)   Practice controlling peripheral devices with a microcontroller.

Reference no: EM13780513

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