Write an article on vpn technologies and issues

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Reference no: EM131606979 , Length: word count:1200

Assignment - VPN Technologies and Issues

Purpose of the assessment - The purpose of this assignment is to review existing literatures on important VPN technologies and issues and write an article.  The article must be specific to the given topics, use appropriate examples and detail of the topic given to develop a review paper. After the assignment, students are expected to learn not only the knowledge and current technical aspects of VPN but also research, data collection, analysis and writing skills, which are very important and help them for study.

Assignment Description -

Tasks: There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B.

A. Write a review article for the following topics depending on the last digit of your ID: select Topic 1 if it ends in an 'odd' number or Topic 2 if it ends in an 'even' number.

B. Presentation

Part A description:

1. Topic 1 - VPN Replacement Technologies

VPN has some major drawbacks and problems such as the ones described below. There have been attempts to resolve the issues, and some technologies are being deployed as alternatives, e.g. Microsoft DirectAccess, SoftEther VPN etc. Review alternative options to resolve and overcome the problems of legacy VPN.

  • Congestion, latency, fragmentation, and packet loss
  • Difficulties with compliance and troubleshooting
  • Encrypted traffic does not compress
  • Lacks repeating patterns
  • More bandwidth-intensive than clear-text transmission
  • Connectivity requires high availability

2. Topic 2 - VPN Security Issues

Fundamentally, VPN is known as being secure and safe; however, there are still many issues with regards to security aspects. A simple Google search of 'VPN security' displays 2.8 million results. Search the internet for relevant articles/papers, and compare and analyze what these security issues are and what solutions they propose.

Instructions: Prepare your article as below

1. Go to the IEEE website and download the WORD template for the format.

2. Read and familiarize yourself with the instructions carefully.

3. Prepare a paper using the IEEE format and the example attached. Follow the template if there are any confusions. Also, refer to the link below to have ideas how to start (see section 6).

4. Complete the assignment (minimum 5 and maximum 8 pages) including all the sections below. The number of words will be counted thoroughly and you must keep the minimum number of words to avoid any penalties.

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Main body
  • Conclusion
  • Future Works
  • References

5. The article must be a 'Review'  article including at least 15 references and not more than 25.

6. Strictly follow the IEEE reference format for in-body citations and the references section.

7. See the attached files for guidance on how to prepare a review paper. You can also find thorough instructions from IEEE and the Internet.

8. Contents must include:

  • History and background of the topic
  • What are the challenges and drawbacks, what solutions and workouts they found
  • Possible options (solutions) and future research areas proposed
  • Scopes of topic, progress of developments such as requirements, benchmarking, purposes & objectives, stakeholders, owners, roles and responsibilities where applicable.
  • Flowchart
  • Include a minimum of two (2) figures to show the overall concept and summarized overview of the topic from the review of minimum 10 - 15 (but not limited to) papers.
  • Include a couple of tables to summarize the result of findings
  • How each organization approaches, initiates, develops procedures and ownerships, and what results they got, and how it affected their businesses.
  • What you conclude in terms of the topic/solutions to implement in an organization. Consider other aspects to include for a good review paper.

9. Remember to strictly follow the template and the instructions above to avoid penalties.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131606979

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Write an article on vpn technologies and issues : The purpose of this assignment is to review existing literatures on important VPN technologies and issues and write an article
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8/21/2017 4:56:09 AM

Australian student, total 1000-1200 words & PPT with 8-12 slides, Student ID 162118. Therefore, please use Topic 2. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Note: Part A of the assignment must conform to the instruction, e.g. IEEE format. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. Strictly follow the order and instruction by IEEE. Check when/where to put the citation. See attached files and search the internet for guidelines. Highly valid and appropriate. All elements are present and well integrated. Clear styles with excellent source of references. Proper writing and drawing. Professionally presented.

Write a Review

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