Write an ARM assembly program to use ciphers

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM133244536


Ciphers use many bitwise operations for cryptography. Write an ARM assembly program to use ciphers. See the steps below to implement the cipher. In this program, you will implement a "Symmetric Encryption".

Create three variables, Plaintext, Key, and Cipher

For encryption, design a key value, assign the last nonzero number of your student ID (#900 number) in a variable called "Key"

For example: if your 900 number is 90012450. Assign 5 to the variable Key and use it as the Key for encryption.

video to understand Symmetric Key Cryptography and implement that for encryption and decryption.

For the variable Plaintext, assign any four-letter word. Encrypt the plaintext using the value in Key and store the encrypted text in the variable Cipher.

Test the encryption by decrypting and storing the decrypted text into register R5.

Provide comments to each statement

Reference no: EM133244536

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