Write an arm assembly program to implement a time-of-day

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM132110243

Write an ARM assembly program to implement a Time-Of-Day clock application as specified below:

The TOD Clock will have 4 separate counters:

HR Indicator: indicates the hour of the day with values ranging from 0 - 24

MIN Indicator: indicates the current minute with values ranging from 0 - 60

SEC Indicator: indicate the current second with values ranging from 0 - 60

MSEC: indicates the current msec with value ranging from 0 - 1000

The TOD Clock must be accurate to 1 msec resolution

The time of date is updated anytime any of the indicators is wrapped around to 0.

To enable the SysTick interrupt as well as to create a SysTick interrupt handler

Reference no: EM132110243

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