Reference no: EM131286996
Microprocessor Lab Assignment
The lab work for this module requires you to familiarize yourself with the use of software, components, and modules listed below:
· Using the serial monitor to send data to Arduino
· Installing and setting up Processing software application
· Learning to send data from Arduino to Processing sketch
· Interfacing SPI 8 x 8 LED matrix
· Using the 4 digit 7 segment LED display
· Using the joystick controller
All the wiring and programming information is available in the textbook and/or at the resource links provided under Study Materials.
Please complete all the lab exercises given below and submit a report including a video demonstration. You will submit the report and video demonstration separately on the course website.
Report: The report should list all the major procedures required to complete each of the exercises.Here are the general guidelines for the report:
1. Cover Sheet: The lab report must include a completed cover sheet with your name, student ID number, the lab number, lab title, and submission date. Note: Your lab report will not be graded without a completed cover sheet.
2. Objective: A short paragraph stating the purpose (main ideas) of the experiment.
3. Procedure: At the beginning of this section, give a summary description of the procedures taken during the lab.
4. Discussion/Conclusion: State your understanding of this experiment. (What did you learn from these experiment?) State the challenges and problems faced, and measures taken to resolve these problems and overcome challenges.
5. Arduino Sketches: At the end of the report, please append the text of all the Arduino sketches you have developed. To do this, simply cut the entire text from the Arduino IDE editor window and paste it in the report document. Start on a fresh page for each sketch.
Video Demonstration: In this section, your video demonstration should provide a visual record of the results obtained in each exercise. Please start with recording a brief video clip giving your name, course number, and assignment number. Record a video clip for each activity according to the instructions provided. Use a video editor to combine all the clips into one video file before you submit/upload to the course website. For guidelines to record and merge video clips, check Record, Merge, and Upload Your Videos.
Exercise 1: Controlling the RGB LED from the computer using the serial monitor
In the previous module, you learned how to use an RGB LED. You have now learned how to send data to the Arduino board using the serial monitor. Combine these two to control the color produced by the RGB LED using R, G, and B values sent to Arduino using the serial monitor.
The video clip for this exercise should show the wiring of the experiment, sending of values using the serial monitor, and the resulting color displayed by the RGB LED. Please repeat for several different colors.
Exercise 2: Managing the Processing sketch based on values sent by a photoresistor
Wire the photoresistor, as you learned earlier. As you move your hand on top of it, the resistance will change and varying values will be produced by analogRead to the pin. Write an Arduino sketch to read the values and send these to the serial port. Write a Processing sketch to read the values and change color on the screen, following the example given in the textbook. Please also append a copy of your Processing sketch to your report.
The video clip for this exercise should show the wiring of the experiment and the changing of the color in the running Processing sketch as you move your hand on the photoresistor.
Exercise 3: Displaying joystick position on 8 x 8 LED Matrix
Wire the joystick and the 8 x 8 LED matrix display to the Arduino UNO. Write an Arduino sketch to read the position of the joystick, map it to the 8 x 8 space on the LED matrix, and turn on the corresponding LED. You will need to store the last lighted LED value so that you may turn it off before turning on the next one when the joystick is moved.
The video clip for this exercise should show the wiring of the experiment and the running display of the lighted LED as the joystick is moved in various directions. [MO4.1, MO4.2, MO4.5]
Use the Add submission button to submit your lab assignment.