Write an applet that simulates a soft drink machine.

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940805

Write an applet that simulates a soft drink machine. The simulated machine dispenses the following soft drinks: cola, lemon-lime soda, grape soda, root beer, and bottled water. These drinks cost $0.75 each to purchase.

When the applet starts, the drink machine should have a supply of 20 of each of the drinks. The applet should have a text field where the user can enter the amount of money he or she is giving the machine. The user can then click on a button to select a drink to dispense. The applet should also display the amount of change it is giving back to the user. The applet should keep track of its inventory of drinks and inform the user if he or she has selected a drink that is out of stock. Be sure to handle operator errors such as selecting a drink with no money entered and selecting a drink with an inadequate amount of money entered.

Reference no: EM13940805

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