Write an analytical report and annotated bibliography

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Reference no: EM131139266

Assignment 1:

In this assignment, continue with steps in planning for an organizing the analytical report. You want to read the instructions for the analytical report so that you have an idea of what types of topics to consider as you construct your outline for the report.

You will write an outline, along with some other brief explanations, for the plan for your analytical report.

For your outline, submit the following items:

• statement of the problem -- This section should be one or two sentences stating the problem you are addressing.

• purpose and scope of the work -- This section should be one paragraph explaining why you have conducted your analysis. You will state why you think the problem you are addressing needs to be addressed.

• decision-maker or group of decision-makers-- This section will identify the individual or individuals to whom you are directing the report.

• sources and methods of data collection -- This section should be one paragraph explaining how you went about gathering data. You might mention interviews you conducted, searches you conducted in OneSearch, or other methods of information gathering you used.

• preliminary outline -- This section should use Roman numerals to outline, even roughly, the plan for the report.

It should be one or two page long.

Assignment 2:

The next assignment is the annotated bibliography.

For this writing assignment, begin organizing possible sources for the Analytical Report.

For this assignment, you will write an annotated bibliography of four sources. All four sources should be acquired through OneSearch. They should come from scholarly journals or trade journals.

Annotated bibliographies are written for various classes for different reasons. One reason for writing an annotated bibliography is to help you organize research you have begun for a paper.

prepare to write the annotated bibliography by completing the following steps:

• Consider a topic for your final report. Please refer to the instructions for the final report for more information on topics to consider.

• Peruse through different sources that could inform the paper on that topic. You will want to consider many sources as you navigate the OneSearch interface.

• Select four of the sources you have found.

write the annotated bibliography as follows:
• cite each article in APA format

• summarize each article in 100-150 words.

• write a one- or two-sentence evaluation at the end of the annotation explaining why this source might be helpful to you for your analytical report.

• list each reference (followed by its annotation) in alphabetical order.

Keep in mind that, when you eventually write your analytical report, you don't have to use every source you annotate for your annotated bibliography in that report. You might find that, as you find more sources and consider your topic more thoroughly, you don't use several of the sources you annotated. This outcome is not a problem. The purpose of writing the annotated bibliography is to help get you started on locating sources and allow you to begin analyzing and summarizing them.

Length: The annotation for each article should be 100-150 words.

Reference no: EM131139266

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Write an analytical report and annotated bibliography : write an outline, along with some other brief explanations, for the plan for your analytical report.- write an annotated bibliography of four sources.
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