Write an analysis of a key character in a literary work

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Reference no: EM131737818

Part A

For your Week Three assignment, you will write a two and a half page draft (excluding the title and references page) of your Week Five Literary Analysis. Be sure to review Part B upon completion of Part A.

The draft should contain a working thesis (which you wrote in the Week One assignment), an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to include some paraphrases  and quotations  of the reference material in your Week Two Annotated Bibliography. You should use your research to help you develop and support the thesis.

• Copy and paste the writing prompt you chose to explore in Week One at the beginning of your draft (this will help your instructor see if you focused well on the prompt).

Prompt #1

Write an analysis of a key character in a literary work. Focus on two or three key actions of that character. Discuss the character's motivations and decisions in terms you can support with clear evidence from a critical reading of the text.

Consider whether this character's actions fit together or contradict each other. You may also want to consider whether any other characters in the story are aware of this conflict, and if so, how they influence the character you are writing about

• Restate your working thesis after the copy-and-paste prompt.

In the short story Jacksons character is nostalgic of his Indian culture as he misses his grandmother. This gives him thedetermination to regain his grandmother's regalia, something he has only seen in photos. At the same time Jackson friendly demeanergains the trust easily from others around him

• Develop your working thesis based on the feedback you have received. Again, the thesis should offer a debatable claim in response to one of the prompts on the list.

• Analyze the literary work from the approved listof prompts chosen in Week One that pertained to your selected topic and include the three key ideas developed in the Week One Proposal.

• Focus on one primary text.

• Include references from at least two secondary sources identified on your Week Two Annotated Bibliography. More sources are not necessarily better.

• Apply your knowledge of literary elements and other concepts in your response to the prompt. Reference the List of Literary Techniques .

• Avoid any use of the first person.

• Do not summarize the plot.

Reference no: EM131737818

Questions Cloud

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Case scenario-the collapse of long-term capital management : The full story of this saga can be found in the entertaining and informative When Genius Failed, by Roger Lowenstein, formerly a reporter for the Wall Street.
Discuss civic engagement and becoming community : Could you please assist me, Please choose one of the below sayings and explain how you feel it relates to service learning, civic engagement
What are the causes of doubt : Can one lead to the other? What are the causes of doubt? What are its effects? Is there a "solution" to doubt?


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