Reference no: EM131148077
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1. The Uighur separatists are made of which ethnic minority group?
a. Orthodox Chinese
b. Chinese Muslims
c. Christian Orthodox
d. Christian fundamentalists
2. Chinese authorities have mounted a three year campaign denouncing Falun Gong as being a(n)
a. anti Communist organization
b. terrorist organization
c. subversive movement
d. evil cult
3. Which terrorist group was responsible for the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995?
a. Shining Path
b. Aum Shinrikyo
c. Japanese Red Army
d. Ichiro Ozawa
4. Japan's Government/Industry cooperation, a strong work ethic, mastery of high technology, a comparatively small defense allocation, and a of GDP have helped Japan become one of the most powerful economies in the world.
a. 5.0%
b. 10.0%
c. 1.0%
d. 3.0%
5. The guerrilla arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) is an avowedly group formed in December 1969.
a. Secular
b. Extremists
c. Maoist
d. Islamist
6. In 1998, North Korea launched a missile over
a. South Korea
b. Taiwan
c. China
d. Japan
7. Jemaah Islamiyyah had a strong ally in which organization?
a. Moro National Liberation Front
b. Moro Islamic Liberation Front
c. The New Peoples Army
d. Abu Sayyaf
8. The Islamic terrorist organization, Jemaah Islamiyyah, has developed economic and military assets through the use of
a. extortion
b. cells (fiahs)
c. hijackings
d. kidnapping
9. There were two institutional power bases, the and the , in Mexico after Independence.
a. church; state
b. military; caudillos
c. Catholic Church; Mexican military
d. caudillos; police
10. Emilio Zapata emerged as a strong leader from which section of Mexican society?
a. the university campuses of Mexico City
b. farm laborers
c. the political left
d. former landowners
11. Vincente Fox took office in 2000, ending seventy years of single party rule by
a. the Military
b. PRI Party
c. PAN Party
d. the Junta
12. What term best describes the activities of the right-wing Peace and Justice movement in the Chiapas region of Mexico?
a. Freedom Fighters
b. Death Squads
c. Para militaries
d. Guerrillas
13. In the mid-1990s, the United States stepped up deportations of Central American criminal, many of them gang members from
a. the 18th Street
b. Mara Salvatrucha 13
c. Mara 18
d. All of the above.
14. FARC and ELN (National Liberation Army) have become
a. comrades in arms
b. close allies
c. bitter enemies
d. a collective of terrorist groups fighting the government
15. About sixty-five of the FARC's 110 operational units are involved in some aspect of
a. arms smuggling
b. extortion
c. drug trading
d. kidnapping
16. After the death of Raul Reyes the Colombian military found a number of files on his computer that indicated the government was prepared to back FARC.
a. Peruvian
b. Chilean
c. Ecuadorian
d. Venezuelan
17. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1373 was unanimously adopted on , under Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
a. September 5th, 2001
b. November 11th, 1945
c. December 7th, 1955
d. September 28, 2001
18. The "Sky Marshal" program has been around since the late when armed U.S. Customs agents operated in plain clothes on U.S. flagged international flights.
a. 1960s
b. 1950s
c. 1970s
d. 1980s
19. Israel was one of the first states to provide on all its flights.
a. passenger profiling
b. Sky Marshals
c. secure cockpit doors
d. 100% baggage match
20. In November 2004, the U.S. Transportation Security Agency (TSA) began testing a new form of passenger prescreening called
c. Secure Flight
d. Watch Lists
21. Vesicants are agents.
a. nerve
b. blistering
c. blood
d. choking
22. Cutaneous anthrax occurs when anthrax spores come in direct contact with what?
a. the nasal tissues
b. an open cut or broken skin
c. the lungs
d. lining of the esophagus
23. The SAS has also been used effectively against the IRA in Europe. In 1988, the SAS followed an IRA unit to , where intelligence sources indicated the terrorists would detonate a bomb during a military parade.
a. Gibraltar
b. Ibiza
c. Spain
d. Malta
24. Avian Flue or "Bird Flu" is a highly contagious disease caused by viruses that normally only infect birds. The virus, when it jumps from animals to human beings, is identified as the virus.
a. severe acute respiratory
b. HN51
c. H5N1
d. tularemia
25. GSG-9 was formed following the disaster at/in
a. Gibraltar
b. the Munich Olympic Games
c. the World Trade Center
d. Entebbe