Write accessor funtions for height, width, and depth.

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13936582

Given below is a c++ class called Sbox used in shipping.

We can declare an object of type Sbox to hold the dimensions of a shipping box, a height, width and depth. We define a height (h), width (w) and depth (d) for the three sides of a box. For shipping, it is required the height to be no greater than 45 inches. The width cannot be anymore than 75% of the box's height. The depth must be less than the height.

Class Sbox
Int h, w, d; // height width depth

1. Write a constructor function that
A) defines an object with default value of 0s
Sbox ()

{ h=0; w=0; d=0;}

b) define an object with the initial values for h, w, and d. check for the constraints listed earlier
Sbox::Sbox (int h, int w, int d)
if (h<45 && (w<h* 0.75) && d<h)
else {


2. Write accessor funtions for height, width, and depth.
Also, what exactly is an accessor function?

Reference no: EM13936582

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