Write about william lloyd garrison

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Reference no: EM133123772


William Lloyd Garrison was an American journalist, social reformer, abolitionist, and a suffragist of the American history. He had a prominent role in the history and literature of America. He was from Newburyport, Massachusetts. He was born on 10th December 1805, and died at the age of 73 on 24th may 1879. He was best known for his work in the newspaper called ‘The Liberator' which was widely-read anti-slavery newspaper. He also was the founders of the Anti-slavery society in U.S.

About his work:

He was 25 when he joined the twin sources of the abolition movement. Being the editor of National Philanthropist in 1828 and the journal of times in 1828-1829, also serving his apprenticeship in moral reform. He became the Co-editor of the ‘Genius of Universal Emancipation' in 1829 with Benjamin Lundy. During this time he also spent some time in jail for libelling a Newburyport merchant while he was engaged in slave trade. After this incident he returns back to Boston where he started publishing his renown work ‘The Liberator' which was known to be the most uncompromising of American anti-slavery journal in June of 1830.

Reference no: EM133123772

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