Write about two sociological concepts

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Reference no: EM133617273 , Length: 4 pages


Hello! Can you please help me solve this? Please provide a detailed solution or explanation? I would like to social inequality and another sociological concept. This is the assessment:

For this essay, you will write about two sociological concepts that we have learned in this class. (Sociological concepts are the key terms that sociologists use to represent a social phenomenon or social process. In the textbook we are using, these sociological concepts are usually written in bold and are often defined at the end of each section in a chapter.)

You will use these concepts to critique or elaborate a piece of media content. You can choose to analyze a movie, TV show, book, song, album, video game, etc. Perhaps a song by your favorite artist does a great job of discussing social stigma, and you want to elaborate on that by applying sociological concepts. Or maybe a movie that is your guilty pleasure presents a false image of how easy it is for hardworking people to achieve social mobility, and you want to apply sociological concepts to discuss how class inequality is reproduced every generation. You may also use one concept to elaborate on what they did well and use the second concept to critique. Do not choose sociological concepts that are too broad (e.g., gender/sexism, race/racism, social class). Instead, choose more specific concepts that will help you critique or elaborate your selected media content (e.g., doing gender, institutional racism, cumulative advantages).

First, use about a page's worth of space to explain or summarize what your chosen piece of media is about. A brief summary is fine - you do not need to include every detail.

Then, for each sociological concept, you should answer the following questions:

1. How do you define or understand the concept? (Please do not copy the definition directly from the textbook or from the Internet. You should explain what the concept means in your own words.)

2. How does the media content appropriately reflect how you understand this sociological concept? Or how can this sociological concept expose the flawed assumptions or fallacies reflected in that piece of media? Here you can describe specific scenes or details from the piece of media to support your argument.

Your essay should be about 3 pages long, with roughly 1 page used to summarize the media content you chose, and roughly 1 page for each concept. The "meat" of the essay should be your discussion of the two sociological concepts and how they relate to the media content.

Format: 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Incorrect formatting will lose you some points, so please check with me if you are unsure about formatting. You do not need to insert a cover page, but you may include it if you want. If you include a cover page, it will not be counted towards the page limit. Keep your essay under 4 pages.

Reference no: EM133617273

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Write about two sociological concepts : Can you please help me solve this? Please provide a detailed solution or explanation? I would like to social inequality and another sociological concept.
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What happened to wexit : What values beliefs about Canadian National culture identity are being communicated directly or indirectly in this media article Canada: What happened to Wexit?


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