Write about the use of social media in the workplace

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Reference no: EM132359030

Assignment - Persuasive argument

The use of social media in the workplace: the good and the bad

Social media is a major communications channel in the 21st century organisation. Yet, a quick review of new forms of media provides a clear indication that employers of all sizes continue to struggle with the intersection between the interests of the organisation, and an employee's use of social media. Social media can be a powerful communication tool for employees, helping them to collaborate, share ideas and solve problems. Research has shown that 82% of employees think that social media can improve work relationships and 60% believe social media can support decision-making processes (Bizzi 2018). These beliefs contribute to a majority of employees connecting with colleagues on social media, even during work hours. On the other hand, employers typically worry that social media is a 'productivity killer' while employees argue on the way limits on their social media usage is framed - that their posts are 'private', were undertaken outside of work hours, and involve the exercise of their perceived 'right' to freedom of speech (Oliver 2018).

Faced with this information, your boss, the Director of Social Media at the M and M company, is contemplating the question: 'Should organisations encourage employees to use social media? Yes or no?'

What will your advice be to the Director of Social Media? Will you argue that an organisation should encourage employees to use social media or will you argue organisations should discourage employees from using social media?

Please note: Your boss has asked you to present your argument in a meeting to senior management on 19th August. In addition to the memo she expects you to summarise your position in five PowerPoint slides that reinforce the major points of your argument. As you have recently attended an oral presentation workshop you know that a good visual aid:

  • gains attention and increases interest
  • supports the presenter's point and emphasises connections
  • clarifies and aids the listener's memory
  • keeps the focus on the topic, not the presenter
  • helps the presenter to arrange the content in a logical order.

A persuasive argument paper: The purpose of writing an argument is to seek to persuade other people of your stance (or view) on a subject. There are various possible outlines for an argument. Firstly, you need to be able to present the main argument clearly in the thesis statement of your introduction. Then you synthesise, or combine, supporting arguments at stages within the body paragraphs. These supporting arguments are argued for/against using evidence and explanation. Citation is used to support each argument.

A critical part of the argument is the counter argument and rebuttal. The counter argument considers a possible argument against your thesis or some aspect of your reasoning. Counter argument in an essay has two stages: you turn against your argument to challenge it and then you turn back to re-affirm it, or 'knock down' the counter argument (the 'rebuttal'). This is a simple argument structure: argue for, counter argument, rebuttal (or turn back/ knock down).

Please follow these guidelines to complete the assessment:

1. Decide on your position/stance. To help reach your own point of view on the facts or ideas:

  • read some other points of view on the topic. Who do you feel is the most convincing?
  • look for patterns in the data or references. Where is the evidence strongest?
  • list several different interpretations. What are the real-life implications of each one? Which ones are likely to be most useful or beneficial? Which ones have some problems?
  • discuss the facts and ideas with someone else. Do you agree with their point of view?

2. Make a list of ideas: approaches, supporting arguments, evidence and explanation, and evaluations. To develop your argument:

  • list the different reasons for your point of view.
  • think about the different types and sources of evidence which you can use to support your point of view.
  • consider different ways that your point of view is similar to, and different from, the points of view of other researchers.
  • look for various ways to break your point of view into parts.

3. Decide on a structure for the paragraph. To present your argument, make sure:

  • your text develops a coherent argument where all the individual claims work together to support your overall point of view.
  • your reasoning for each claim is clear to the reader.
  • your assumptions are valid.
  • you have evidence for every claim you make.
  • you use evidence that is convincing and directly relevant.

4. Use five sources for evidence and evaluation.

PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) for Assessment:

a. Purpose: To persuade your boss to accept your position/stance on the use of social media in the workplace.

b. Reader: Your boss (the Director of Social Media M and M company).

c. Information: Five (5) sources.

d. Organisation: Direct order format.

e. Style: Formal.

f. Channel choice: Written document.

Word count: 750 words + 5 PowerPoint slides (150 words).

Verified Expert

The present report is based on the topic of the use of social media in the workplace.The solution is prepared in the support of this argument. All the instructions and rubrics provided were used for this assignment.The final solution is submitted in a Microsoft Office Word document file and a power-point presentation file.The contents present are unique and are free from any type of plagiarism.The references used were cited in APA format.

Reference no: EM132359030

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8/21/2019 12:37:29 AM

Word count: 750 words + 5 PowerPoint slides (150 words). PRIOS/CDT brief (covered in lecture and tutorials) for Assessment: Purpose: To persuade your boss to accept your position/stance on the use of social media in the workplace. Reader: Your boss (the Director of Social Media M and M company). Information: Five (5) sources. Organisation: Direct order format. Style: Formal. Channel choice: Written document. Document design: Memo plus five PowerPoint slides. Length: Short report = 750 words +/-10%; PowerPoint slides = 150 words +/-10%.


8/21/2019 12:37:24 AM

Assessment rubric - Memo format is used fully and appropriately. Elements of the Introductory and Concluding paragraphs are clear, relevant and informative. Correct word length (+/- 10%). Demonstrates a thorough in-depth understanding of context, audience and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task and focuses all elements of the work. Key structural elements of an argument are clearly identified: The writer’s stance is strong, high level of evidence and explanation with two arguments for and one argument against that negates the thesis/claim with a strong rebuttal.


8/21/2019 12:37:15 AM

Main ideas are clearly and sufficiently supported using 3 credible, reliable and relevant sources. Demonstrates detailed attention and successful execution of conventions particular to acknowledging direct and indirect quotes (paraphrases, summaries). Uses a variety of ‘reporting verbs to capture the attitude of other authors’ work. Incorporate indirect quotes using both author-prominent and information prominent paraphrasing. SCU Harvard in-text and end-of-text referencing is 100% accurate and consistent throughout. All in-text citations include author, publication date and relevant page number. All end-text citations include URL and date accessed.


8/21/2019 12:37:08 AM

Each paragraph has one clear main idea and is logically organised. Cohesion between sentences is fully acceptable. Internal headings are clear and informative and enhance the readability for the audience. A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and is used appropriately (for audience); spelling is accurate throughout. A wide range of grammatical structures used accurately and appropriately. Punctuation is accurate. Font, Format and Images of PowerPoint slides are fully appropriate and highly visually-appealing. Correct number of slides. All main points are logically-organised. SCU Harvard referencing is fully accurate and consistent throughout. All main points in PowerPoint slides are clear, informative, and appropriate for a viewing audience. Credibility is greatly enhanced by logic and use of sources.

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