Reference no: EM133531194
Homework: Field Experience Observations and Reflective Teaching
The purpose of the field experience homework is to add to one's knowledge base, enhance one's skills of critical analysis, and decision making as related specifically to the teaching of social studies/social sciences in the elementary school.
Plan to observe two elementary teachers and students in a class focusing on social studies/social sciences. Write about these observations in a reflective journal. Develop an observation checklist that will focus attention and provide the basis for collecting data in the following areas:
1) Use of effective teaching practice in social studies/social sciences classes;
2) Use of effective instructional strategies or materials with culturally diverse students, and students
3) with other special needs (ESE) and apply ESOL/LEP standards;
4) Use of effective instructional strategies and materials in teaching research skills;
Use of effective observation techniques for monitoring concept and skill development in individuals and groups; and
Use of effective questioning strategies to stimulate critical thinking, inquiry, problem solving and decision making in the social studies/social sciences classroom.
Application of K-6 Social Sciences Competencies and Skills in classroom instruction
After you observe the two teachers, you will write a reflective analysis and conclusion presenting one's overall position and reaction to what was observed and how classroom practice reflects theory. In this reflective paper you are also going to compare and contrast the strategies employed by the two teachers observed. You can use these questions to guide your reflective paper: To what degree did they utilize these strategies, if at all? How effective were the strategies used with culturally and/or linguistically different students, ESOL/LEP, or students with other special needs (ESE)? How effective were the strategies used with students of different ability levels? Were strategies, materials, and technologies modified to accommodate individual student's learning? If so, in what ways were the strategies modified?