Write about the effect of mass communication on people

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131792112

Final Project Submission. This week, you will build upon what you have already submitted by refining and adding to it. For the final submission, you will revisit slide 5 and add slides 6 and 7 to conclude your Final Project submission.

Based on feedback that you received from your Final Project Milestone submission, revise the slides/web pages you have submitted. Then, follow the instructions here for the remaining slides/web pages.

Slide/web page 5: In Week 3, you identified five important people who helped in the development or growth of your chosen medium during its evolution. This week, analyze the contributions of these people to the history of the medium and add that information to the slide.

Slide/web page 6: Make a summary statement about the effect of mass communication on people today based on the information collected for slides/web pages 1-5. Add a short bulleted list that highlights three predictions about where mass communication could lead people in the future.

Slide/web page 7: Provide a total of 8 sources for your project. For all sources, record where you found information about them. Include all relevant information about the source (author; date of publication; the book, article, or website; etc.).

Reference no: EM131792112

Questions Cloud

What is the dollar amount of the total assets : What is the dollar amount of the total assets in the consolidated balance sheet immediately after the acquisition?
Describe the effect on the accounting equation : Describe the effect on the accounting equation from the transaction to record the air traffic liability. Determine the effect on the accounting equation
What message and media could he use to tell the sv story : The case presents background information on the company, global and Spanish wine industries, and the Colombian economy and wine market.
What criterion will help her determine the best visual : Shawn is using a visual that accompanies a description in a report. What criterion will help her determine the best visual to use?
Write about the effect of mass communication on people : Identify five important people who helped in the development or growth of your chosen medium during its evolution.
Authority to act on behalf of the principal : If the principal represents to an outsider that the agent has authority to act on behalf of the principal.
What amount should be debited as an unrealized loss : What amount should be debited as an unrealized loss to the stockholders' equity section of Stone's December 31, 2014, balance sheet as a result of 2014.
Internal control and end-user computing : Identify three types of controls for microcomputer end-user operations where National Commercial Bank might be at risk
Write an argument of in favor of the attorneys position : Your law firm represents a judge who was recently arrested for driving. Write an argument of 2-4 paragraphs in favor of the attorney's position or against it.


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