Write about its relevance to police ethics

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132248198

Term Paper:

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is an 8-12 page APA Style paper. Your paper should have at least 8-12 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference pages. Please be sure that your paper is a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the assignment section as an attachment. Students will be required to use at least three scholarly - (peer-reviewed)- sources. Students have access to peer-reviewed sources through the APUS library.

Students are required to follow APA Style guidelines.

Please make sure that you are using the writing rubric to use as a checklist for all your academic writing in this class and throughout your educational experience at AMU.

Students must choose from one of the following topics for their paper:

1. The "Blue Wall of Silence" and Police Culture
2. Ethical Decision-Making Process
3. Developing Ethical Leaders
4. The Ethical Role of Police Subculture
5. Ethics vs. Morals
6. Defining Police Ethics
7. Defining Ethical Leadership Practices
8. The Purpose of a Code of Ethics within Police Agencies
9. Police Professionalism and Responsibility

Students should choose one these topics and write about its relevance to police ethics. Be thinking about identifying the major talking points about your topic that are important to review. Critically assess the literature on the subject. Looking for critical thinking and a clear indication that you have a grasp of the literature.

Do not include quotes in your work. Want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper. In other words, the peer-reviewed sources used in the paper should be paraphrased, cited in proper APA format and reflect critical thinking.

At this point in your educational journey, you should have solid substance and proper academic formatting in your college-level writing assignments. Students will be graded on both so make sure you turn in your best work.

Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality paper that highlights your criminal justice writing.

Verified Expert

The following looks at ethics in respect to police professionalism and responsibilities in USA.It looks at four specific issues, which are racism, domestic violence, brutality and corruption, and The Blue Wall of Silence.It looks at some of the theories of ethics in regards to the police in USA.It also provides some recommendations on how they can be solved.

Reference no: EM132248198

Questions Cloud

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How will you help maintain the change once its implemented : Explain what you will do to help ensure your change efforts don't fade when you have accomplished your goals. How will you help prevent burn out?
Consult when developing the policy : Name the key stakeholders you will consult when developing the policy. How will you explain the benefits of the policy to them?
Write about its relevance to police ethics : CMRJ322 - Crime and the Family - American Public University - Write about its relevance to police ethics. Be thinking about identifying the major talking points
Spin-off on northrop grumman share price : What is the likely impact of the spin-off on Northrop Grumman's share price immediately following the spin-off of Huntington Ingalls, assuming no other factors
Ontario fault determination rules : 1. Referring to the Ontario Fault Determination Rules start by determining fault in this scenario.
Fleet of planes is slightly marketing manager : A frequent flyer program slightly below industry has at least e fleet of planes is slightly marketing manager) was appointed three years ago.
Identify one of the firms major competitors : Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.



8/26/2019 4:05:54 AM

Exceptional work I get. Much thanks to the team I am happy to see my comments are rally followed with proper justifications.


8/26/2019 4:04:53 AM

This assignment carry a major role in my final evaluation please be sure before confiorming it I need good grades also follow writing rubric.


3/5/2019 1:13:53 AM

Structure of the Paper (worth 10% of total points) 10 points: Student provides a high-caliber, formatted paper. This includes an APA 6th edition cover page, abstract, page number, headers and is double spaced in 12’ Times Roman Font. Additionally the paper conforms to the specific number of required written pages and neither goes over or under the specified length of the paper.


3/5/2019 1:13:38 AM

Use of Sources (worth a maximum of 20% of the total points). 20 points: Credible scholarly sources are used to give compelling evidence to support claims and are clearly and fairly represented. APA 6th Edition format is used accurately and consistently. The student uses above the maximum required references in the development of the assignment. Grammar (worth maximum of 20% of total points)20 points: The paper is clear, concise, and a pleasure to read as a result of appropriate and precise use of terminology; total coherence of thoughts and presentation and logical organization; and the essay is error free.


3/5/2019 1:13:07 AM

Quality of Response Content (worth a maximum of 50% of the total points) Excellent 50 points: The essay illustrates exemplary understanding of the relevant material by thoroughly and correctly addressing the relevant content; identifying and explaining all of the key concepts/ideas; using correct terminology explaining the reasoning behind key points/claims and substantiating, as necessary/useful, points with several accurate and illuminating examples. No aspects of the required answer are missing.


3/5/2019 1:12:41 AM

Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality paper that highlights your criminal justice writing. This a major assignment so follow the instructions carefully.


3/5/2019 1:12:33 AM

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is an 8-12 page APA Style paper. Your paper should have at least 8-12 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference pages. Please be sure that your paper is a Word Document (.doc) uploaded to the assignment section as an attachment. Students will be required to use at least three scholarly - (peer-reviewed)- sources. Students have access to peer-reviewed sources through the APUS library.

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