Reference no: EM132225791 , Length: word count:2000
Assignment - Write 2000 words essay on given topic.
Topic is about Epliesy and (CBD OIL) cannabis oil.
Using research evidence - Practising Critical Reading
When you are looking at research/ journal articles it is important to consider the contents in a critical way. The following are questions which will help you to approach this in a critical way, addressing these questions should give a good overview of a research piece.
1. What is the focus of the study?
2. Are there clear aims and objectives?
3. Who carried out the study?
4. Was the research funded?
5. What is the main type of research method?
6. Is there evidence of a thorough literature review?
7. Is the existing literature considered in a critical way?
8. Who / what is the sample group under observation / investigation?
9. How were the sample selected and what size of sample was used?
10. What method was used to gather the data and was this appropriate?
11. Is there evidence of reliability?
12. Is there evidence of validity?
13. What are the findings or results of the study?
14. Are the findings or results clearly stated?
15. Has the researcher acknowledged any constraints in the study?
16. Are ethical issues discussed / given consideration?
17. Does the researcher link theory with practice?
18. Do the conclusions link with the aims?
19. Are there suggestions for changing practice?
20. Does the research show the need for further investigation?